Are you a real music lover? Check out Locus Festival, one of the best music events in Puglia you cannot miss out!
Since 2005, this epic festival brings together international artists for a world-class music event in Locorotondo.
Locus festival defines itself as the “perfect balance between quality and popularity” with a line-up that never fails to disappoint. Alongside with top-notch Italian artists, international artists like Fat Freddy’s Drop, Kings Of Convenience, Robert Glasper, Theo Parrish, Bonobo heated the Locus Festival stage, providing guests an eclectic and unforgivable music experience ranging from jazz to indie to electronic genres. Our favourite artists joining this world-class music event in Locorotondo.
Our favorite artists:

Two acclaimed American artists, Jose James and Lauryn Hill will be headlining the 2019 edition, accompanied by the unique presence of Four Tet, one of the most avant-garde artists in the electronic music scene.
Lauryn Hill: former member of Fugees, Lauryn Hill is the voice behind songs like “Killing me softly” and “Ready or not?” just to name a few. A queen of soul music with a long list of awards and a very controversial history between music and social activism. Una regina della musica soul con una lunga lista di premi e una storia intrigante e controversa tra musica e attivismo sociale.

Jose James: Sensual and energetic as it could be, Jose James love blending modern jazz and hip-hop. An smooth yet deep voice that reminds us of a younger version of lighthouse family but also a melancholic sound from the past, which at times reminds us of Louis Armstrong and Billie Holiday. Una voce fluida e profonda che riecheggia un giovane “Lighthouse Family” con sfumature malinconiche che richiamano il passato, a meta’ strada tra Louis Armstrong e Billie Holiday.

Four Tet: a blissful mix of electronic and experimental music, but also jazz, folk and arab influences, Kieran Hebden (aka Four Tet) is an English musician that broke through the European scene in 2003, when he opened for Radiohead on their European tour. His style is so eclectic that encapsulates a new genre itself, that in fact he dubs himself as “folktronica”. An incredible experience for the ears. Il suo stile è così eclettico da aver creato un nuovo genere definito “folktronica”. Un’esperienza incredibile e puro piacere per l’udito.
Quando? 27 luglio – 14 agosto 2019
Dove si svolge Locus Festival?
Locus Festival si svolge a Locorotondo, una perla nascosta nel cuore della Valle d’Itria. Una vista spettacolare della campagna pugliese, con i suoi ulivi e vigneti racchiude questa splendida città – un’ottima occasione per visitarla è questo evento musicale unico